Monday, October 19, 2009
my dad just called to tell me that my mom is going into ANOTHER emergency surgery. apparently when they drained her lungs the other day, something happened and now shes bleeding in her lungs and she might not make it. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
my dad was crying on the phone and freaking out and ive been crying and i dont even know what to say or do or think.
dfhjjdhfgjhdsgfjkhdsfkjh i dont even know. just shoot me please, i cant do this.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
this is ridiculous, and her sister is down from ohio and now my mom is gonna be in the hospital even longer, this is ridiculous.
doigujhsdkjdshgsdhg i dont even know. and now i have to work
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
26. Find a good self-tanner that doesn’t smell or break me out
27. Finish the 30 Day Shred
98. Beat Marc in tennis once
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
40. Watch 100 new movies (6/100)- Hot Rod, Yes Man, Happy Go Lucky, Bolt, Bride Wars, Madagascar 2
67. Read all 7 Harry Potter books (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7/7)- (May 12, 2009)- I finally finished the 4th book, I've been halfway through it since Christmas break, now I need to read #5 and this one will be completely done.
72. Subscribe to 3-5 magazines (2/5)- April 2009- Lucky and Elle Magazines
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
101 Things in 1001 Days
101 things in 1001 days list
Most important-
1. Find a job-07/03/09-PreFlight Services, Sanford Airport
2. Get a house/apartment- 05/30/06!
3. Get into journalism
4. Find out about my birth parents
5. Meet one or both of my birth parents
6. Find a best friend
7. Finish online class
8. Find and join a church
9. Lose 10 lbs
10. Lose another 5 lbs
11. Join a gym
12. Be able to run 3-5 miles (0/5)
13. Cut my hair above my shoulders-5/14/09
14. Wear only skirts and dresses for two weeks (0/2)
15. Take a yoga class
16. Be comfortable wearing a bikini without shorts over it
17. Get a tan
18. Get a professional massage
19. Get a professional facial
20. Get rid of all acne
21. Take a Pilates class at a gym
22. Develop a grown-up wardrobe
23. Get a spray tan
24. Stop biting nails
25. Get makeup done at the mall (Dillards, Macys, Sephora, etc.)
26. Find a good self-tanner that doesn’t smell or break me out
27. Decorate the apartment
28. Get highlights or dye hair again-06/17/09- medium copper brown
30. Sell or donate stuff
31. Clean out room at parents house
32. Find 2 married couples that we can hang out with as a couple (0/2)
33. Host 5 dinner parties (or more) (1/5)- House Warming Party (06/06/07)
34. Meet 10 new people (in person) (11/10)- Jordan, Mitch, Lauren, Ashley (Jeremy's friends, June 3/4/5, 2009), Asiya, Dante, Derrick, Alyson, Erica, Erin, Lacey, etc (PreFlight Services, 07/2009)
35. Turn a stranger into a friend in the course of a day.- Michelle, Nate's girlfriend (Marc's brother), May 8, 2009.
36. Go through my phone’s contact list and facebook friends list and delete all the people who I no longer talk to. 4/23/09
37. Learn how to dance
38. Write 10 real letters (snail mail) (0/10)
39. Try 10 new recipes (4/10)- Special Cinnamon French Toast (5/16/09), Deviled eggs (5/17/09), Pigs in a blanket (6/06/09), Country Fried Steak (6/07/09)
40. Watch 100 new movies (15/100)- Hot Rod, Yes Man, Happy Go Lucky, Bolt, Bride Wars, Madagascar 2, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, Taken, Doubt, Be Kind Rewind, Valkyrie, Open Season 2, Children of Men, Gran Torino, The Royal Tennebaums
41. Put wedding pictures in albums
42. Turn blue material into a dresss
43. Sew 4-6 things to wear/use (0/6)
44. Spend an entire day driving and taking pictures
45. Print, blow up, and frame some of my photos- 07/23/09- printed and framed 7 of my pictures
46. Learn to surf
47. Fill a journal with poetry, quotes & scripture
48. Send in a postcard to Post Secret
49. Drink only green tea for a week
50. Try sushi- 06/12/09- california roll and cream cheese with crab meat
51. Try 3 new fruits (0/3)
52. Try 3 new vegetables (0/3)
53. Try 3 new types of fish (0/3)
54. Make one month meal plan
55. Go to bed before 12 pm for 2 weeks (0/2)
Places to go-
56. Go to all 4 Disney Parks (0/4)
57. Go to Sea World
58. Explore Europe
59. Visit a lighthouse
60. Go to an aquarium
61. Go see a comedian
62. Go to a Magic game
63. Drive with no direction or purpose 3 times and see where the day takes me (0/3)
64. Road trip to visit Amy at school
65. Go canoeing and have a picnic
66. Go to the beach at least twice a month during the summer months
2009-(0/2 May, 0/2 June, 0/2 July, 0/2 August)
2010- (0/2 May, 0/2 June, 0/2 July, 0/2 August)
2011- (0/2 May, 0/2 June, 0/2 July, 0/2 August)
67. Read all 7 Harry Potter books (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7/7)- 4 finished on May 13, 2009.
68. Buy the other two Twilight books (1,2/4)
reread all four (0/4)
69. Go to 5 concerts/shows (0/5)
70. Finish the Gilmore Girls series (1,2,3,4,5/7)
71. Attend an art festival
72. Subscribe to 3-5 magazines (2/5)- Lucky, Elle Magazine (April 2009)
73. Read 20 new books (1/20)- The Wonder Spot (finished 06/04/09)
74. Reread the Chronicles of Narnia (0/7)
75. Read through the New Testament minus the Gospels (0/23)
76. See either Spring Awakening, The Phantom of the Opera or Rent live
77. Turn off my phone for 24 hours
78. Spend one night doing nothing but watching childhood/Disney films
79. Turn off computer for a full day
Things to buy-
80. Buy a Mac-07/10/09
81. Buy Dutch Blitz
82. Buy Adobe Photoshop
83. Save up $200-$300 (or more) and buy myself something expensive/nice
84. Buy a completely new outfit- head to toe
85. Buy a clear umbrella
86. Get at least 3 pieces of expensive lingerie (0/3)
87. Buy a lottery ticket
88. Buy myself flowers
89. Get another dog
90. Request a song on the radio
91. Watch the sun rise
92. Get a coin jar and put extra change in there
93. Jump into a pool in normal clothes (not a bathing suit)
94. Do a photoshoot
95. Do something that scares me 04/21/09
96. Play in the rain 3 times (0/3)
97. Swim with dolphins
98. Beat Marc in tennis once
99. Bowl a 200
100 Dress up for Halloween
101. Make another list of 101 things